Upgrading to Google App Engine Java SDK 1.2.8

I was getting following exception while trying to code my first interaction with JPA in Google App Engine. After some searching I came to know that I should upgrade my…

Determine whether application is running on local server or App Engine

If you are working on developing some application on Google App Engine. You may come up with such situation to switch your production code with your local dev code. Following…

How to register an app with Twitter

If you want to develop a Twitter app. You need to register your application with Twitter. That means you should have your production URL ready before you think to start…

Concidel.com, my start-up company

Today I designed the home page of my company, Concidel. Behind the scene I am working on a Twitter application. Which will be the first product of Concidel. InshAllah after…

Free Twitter clients for Symbian S60 phones

Its quite a long time I was looking for a Twitter client for my Symbian S60 phone (Nokia 5320). Earlier I used JTwitter but it gone to paid application so…

Domain is not working without www prefix in GAE

The current issue I am working on is to make my naked domain http://mydomain.com to redirect to http://www.mydomain.com in Google App Engine. With www prefix I have configured my domain….

How to avoid DeadlineExceededException in Google App Engine

If you are developing web application on Google App Engine for Java. And you dont know what this exception is. You can be in trouble. The container throws this exception…

Tutorial: Java based Twitter App on Google App Engine

Twitter a microblogging service is getting more and more popular these  days. A lot of developers are involved to develop applications on its  API. Two weeks ago I click with…

Why programmers should blog?

For non believers of blogging Most of the times when some techie (my colleague or any friend) asked me “what is blogging?” or “how blogging can help us”. I just…

iPhone software update 3.1

Apple has released iPhone firmware update 3.1 with some new features. iPhone 3.1 offers recommendations for ring tones and apps. You can expect to get support for iTunes 9 for…