How to use and retain Twitter4J OAuth access token

I  was stuck in a problem that how to re use access token, once user has authenticated by Twitter (on call back URL). I got it working. There was problem…

Sun CEO’s internal memo to employees, before his resignation

Today I found that Jonathan Schwartz has tweeted about his resignation as Sun CEO. Due to the new control to Oracle. Schwartz sent following memo to his employees. Jonathan is… is dead now

Just found that is now redirecting to Some days back I visited Sun’s original website. But it didn’t took long by Oracle to make it red. Well I…

I have started preparing for SCJP

Its been a year since I purchased the voucher for SCJP 5.0. But I cant concentrate to have time to prepare it. From last night I have taken the oath…

Useful cheat sheets on Cloud Computing and Google App Engine for Java

Just read cheat sheets (Refcard) by Dzone on Cloud Computing and Google App Engine for Java. They contain a very jumped to the point and quick reference on these things….

010110 – The first day of 2010 is a binary friendly day

010110 You see todays date. OK, lets format it. 01/01/10 The combination of 0s and 1s. So lets call the first day of 2010 is a binary friendly day. If…

Got two books on Google App Engine for Java

Recently I got two books on Google App Engine for Java. Programming Google App Engine by Oreilly and Beginning Google App Engine by Apress. There is less material and comprehensive…

Spoken on Google App Engine at a conference in UET

Today I had delivered a workshop on Developing Java Web Applications In Google App Engine. This workshop was the part of events of 3rd International Conference on Open Source Systems…

Tutorial: JPA on Google App Engine

This project will create and delete an entity record. I have chosen JPA for datastore in app engine. You can also look JDO for this purpose. But my choice to… was down. Sorry for inconvenience

Some of you might have noticed that was down for a day. It was due to some technical maintenance and upgrade on hosting severs. I want to apologize for…