Accessing a selected row from h:dataTable

Javascript to Select One Radio Button JSF Code of h:dataTable Table on JSP Page We will use valueChangeListener for this, as when user check the radio button we will get…

Ten things every Java developer should know about UNIX

  One of the great things about Java is how multi-platform it really is. While cross platform glitches do occur, they are not really all that common. But since the…

How to make an executeable jar

Delivering desktop application developed in java, its very interactive that you give your software in a executable jar, rather giving .bat files (running java <main>.class) To do that, try these…

Getting and setting Managed Bean objects in JSF

Get appplication from FacesContext FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); Application app = ctx.getApplication(); Setting in Managed Bean Object app.createValueBinding(“#appSessionBean.userDataBean}”).setValue(ctx, userDataBean); Getting Managed Bean Object(s) AppSessionBean appSessionBean = (AppSessionBean)app.createValueBinding(“#{appSessionBean}”).getValue(ctx); userDataBean = (UserDataBean)appSessionBean.getUserDataBean();…

Inserting value in SQL Server’s datetime by java.sql.Timstamp

Getting HTTP Session in JSF

Getting request parameters in JSF

Here is the way, how we get request parameters from a JSP page (which is JSF enabled) in a HTTP request object. Where formName is refer to the id of…

Faces Console: A utility for JSF configurations

Faces Console is a free utility get integrated in many IDEs as plugin and provide JSF (faces-config.xml) configuration facility in a GUI. if you are using NetBeans5.0 or Eclipse3.x you…

Sending mail using JavaMail APIs

In this example Google SMTP server is used to send email.