Upgraded Nokia 5800 XpressMusic firmware on v 50.0.005

Last day I made another attempt to upgrade the firmware of my Nokia 5800 XpressMusic to latest version that is 50.0.005. I was running version 40 before it. I read…

Social media websites affected IMs

Since I started using Twitter and Facebook I found my usage of IM has been decreased. I believe that social media websites has affected greatly the usage of messengers. Google…

Download Gravity, a Symbian S60 Twitter client

If you are an avid Twitter user and addicted to use it from your phone. Then you should try Gravity. Its Symbian S60 based Twitter client. Which has very cool…

Configure custom subdomain with Posterous blog

The use of my personal blog at posterous.com has been increased. As I post a lot of pictures and posts on my daily life there. I thought to buy a…

Sun CEO’s internal memo to employees, before his resignation

Today I found that Jonathan Schwartz has tweeted about his resignation as Sun CEO. Due to the new control to Oracle. Schwartz sent following memo to his employees. Jonathan is…

Sun.com is dead now

Just found that sun.com is now redirecting to oracle.com. Some days back I visited Sun’s original website. But it didn’t took long by Oracle to make it red. Well I…

010110 – The first day of 2010 is a binary friendly day

010110 You see todays date. OK, lets format it. 01/01/10 The combination of 0s and 1s. So lets call the first day of 2010 is a binary friendly day. If…

Concidel.com, my start-up company

Today I designed the home page of my company, Concidel. Behind the scene I am working on a Twitter application. Which will be the first product of Concidel. InshAllah after…

Free Twitter clients for Symbian S60 phones

Its quite a long time I was looking for a Twitter client for my Symbian S60 phone (Nokia 5320). Earlier I used JTwitter but it gone to paid application so…

Why programmers should blog?

For non believers of blogging Most of the times when some techie (my colleague or any friend) asked me “what is blogging?” or “how blogging can help us”. I just…