Evaluating Leaflet JS as alternative of Google Maps

I am using Google Maps at work. Their map API is robust. To play with maps and to do interesting thing. But there are some issues that one can have with Google…

Use correct version of EGit Eclipse plugin for Github

I am having experience with SVN as a code repository. Now a days social coding at Github is quite popular. And I thought I should commit my all personal projects…

How to remove the border of Facebook page like box

The solution is below, how I removed the border of my Pakzilla Facebook like box. Wrap your IFrame code with a div with an ID CSS classes for above Div…

FUD: JDBC addiction and designing software for NoSQL

I am having a background of programming Java based web systems with RDBMS. Where I write a lot of JDBC code. Updates, select statements with a lot of joins, inserts…

A reference to HTML5 tags

New tags added in HTML 5 Layout tags <article> Defines an article <aside> Defines contents aside from the page content <embed> Defines external interactive content or plugin <figcaption> Defines the…

How to find mime type of a file in Java

person sticking a post it on a white board with the words how to written on it

Validating a file when it is getting uploaded in the system is some time very necessary. We can check the extension of the file, but what if user has changed…

Calling Posterous API in Java

person sticking a post it on a white board with the words how to written on it

I was playing with Posterous API to call it in Java program. If you guys want to call Posterous API, you need to get API Token from Posterous API Docs…

jQuery datepicker for date of birth

Just configured a JQuery datepicker for taking date of birth input. It will show you 100 years to current date. You can’t select date beyond the yesterday date (present date…

An ultimate HTML5 cheatsheet you must have

Like a lot of other web developers, I am also going to start learning HTML5. It’s time to get maximum benefit of HTML5 based browsers for our websites. Here I…

New Google App Engine SDK 1.4.0 released with major improvements

Google App Engine team has rolled out a major release for this year. In release of 1.4.0 they have done a lot of improvements and increased limits. I am very…