Java in Google App Engine, what’s new for developers

Recently Google has included Java in its App Engine. Currently this release is an early look. Google is giving access to first 10,000 developers to deploy and test their Java…

NetBeans 6 released

Netbeans 6 is now available to download, with more editor enhancements and language support. As an open source IDE and rich client platform, Netbeans 6 is an excellent step forward…

NetBeans 6.0 beta and Glassfish V2 going to be released today

Sun has announced the release of Glassfish V2, their open-source application server (and the reference implementation of Java EE), along with the availability of the NetBeans 6 beta. Glassfish V2…

New NYSE Ticker: SUNW Becomes JAVA

World is going towards branding.Todays news is Jonatha Shwarts, CEO Sun announces that they have adopted JAVA as NASDAQ ticker instead of SUNW. ‘Java touches nearly everyone – everyone –…

The Open Source Frameworks I use

Free and Open source frameworks are popular in Java developers, because they always come to make life easy. I am listing here the F&OS frameworks and libraries that I am…

All I Need To Know To Be A Better Programmer

Programming is complicated stuff, but a lot of what makes a good programmer isn’t all that different from the earliest learning we did in school. 1. Share everything.Use open source…

New Year’s Resolutions for Java Coders

An interesting post I found here and have taken some of the points, making myself how many I can implement. Which ones if any would you adopt from this list……

Ten things every Java developer should know about UNIX

  One of the great things about Java is how multi-platform it really is. While cross platform glitches do occur, they are not really all that common. But since the…

How to make an executeable jar

Delivering desktop application developed in java, its very interactive that you give your software in a executable jar, rather giving .bat files (running java <main>.class) To do that, try these…

Sending mail using JavaMail APIs

In this example Google SMTP server is used to send email.