Top replies by programmers, when their programs don’t work

20 replies by programmers, when their programs do not work. “That’s weird…” “It’s never done that before.” “It worked yesterday.” “How is that possible?” “It must be a hardware problem.”…

Popular Web Frameworks

A post was made on Javalobby in the response of Rick Hightower observation on fastest growing frameworks. According to graph it is clear that there are more jobs of JSF…

Programmer’s life (cartoon)

Programmers carry small world with them. If they finish their work according to specs, they become very happy. Some times little showstoppers make them sad, and they got frustrated. And…

42% of PC users never defragment their PCs

More than 42% of PC users neglect to defragment their computers. Nearly 16% of those who answered the poll said they had no idea what disk defragmentation is, while more…

Browsers Market Shares

August is over and we have August browsers market share results. Last 4 months Internet Explorer managed to increase its market share, however, this month it lost some market share…

New NYSE Ticker: SUNW Becomes JAVA

World is going towards branding.Todays news is Jonatha Shwarts, CEO Sun announces that they have adopted JAVA as NASDAQ ticker instead of SUNW. ‘Java touches nearly everyone – everyone –…

The Open Source Frameworks I use

Free and Open source frameworks are popular in Java developers, because they always come to make life easy. I am listing here the F&OS frameworks and libraries that I am…

My daily fresh tech-dose

After switching on the PC, before checking official emails, its time to take some fresh technical bites. Which I love to take. These are some sites that I visits daily…

All I Need To Know To Be A Better Programmer

Programming is complicated stuff, but a lot of what makes a good programmer isn’t all that different from the earliest learning we did in school. 1. Share everything.Use open source…

New Year’s Resolutions for Java Coders

An interesting post I found here and have taken some of the points, making myself how many I can implement. Which ones if any would you adopt from this list……